There are several shelters we help support not only through transferring pregnant cats and abandoned kittens to our care group to relieve their over-capacity problem but also in other ways.
One way we help is by collecting donated pet food and other items from our partner stores and other generous people and organizations, sorting through them to determine what is needed for our population of kittens and mama cats and then delivering the other items to animal management facilities in Central Indiana that need these items and cannot otherwise get them.
We also help by providing training to animal control officers and shelter staff on the proper care of young kittens found in the field and best practices for caring for them when they enter a shelter. In some cases, we outfit the animal control officer trucks with kitten emergency kits and supplies so they are able to care for a found kitten until the kitten can be retrieved by our care group. We will often consult with shelter staff on the treatment and care of particularly difficult or perplexing medical cases and advise on behavior modification.
We have created a program we call “Kitty Express” that can move cats quickly from shelters through our adoption network to a forever home and help relieve shelter overcrowding. Read more about that program here.